The Consumer and Citizen Engagement Working Group, previously Consumer Engagement, aims at creating a structured cross-cutting understanding of the role and methodologies of engagement in European R&I projects.
The BRIDGE initiative aims to identify common issues faced by projects funded under the H2020 program in the fields of smart grid, energy storage, islands and Digitalisation that could potentially create barriers to innovation, and to support knowledge sharing among projects in order to provide conclusions and recommendations for further project exploitation. In this context, the BRIDGE Initiative has released the Handbook on “Exploration of citizen R&I projects engagement methodologies in European R&I projects”, as result of the work done within the Citizen and Consumer Working Group.
The handbook aims to present the engagement strategies of 8 ongoing H2020 projects at different development stages to serve as a tool for new and ongoing BRIDGE projects interested in designing and developing a strategy of engagement. The case studies were part of the BRIDGE Consumer and Citizen Engagement Working Group from April 2021 to February 2022.
Giuliana Folco, Director at ICONS, contributed to the handbook with findings for the EU project eNeuron that develops innovative tools for the optimal design and operation of local energy communities (LECs) integrating distributed energy resources and multiple energy carriers at different scales.
eNeuron’s contribution is included in the Annex I Strategies of engagement: Handbook – A guide for engaging EU citizens in energy projects.
The complete handbook is available on the Publications Office of the European Union at
Click here
Published on
21 Feb 2023