eNeuron Newsletter

Do not miss the newsletter #2

The energy transition refers to the shift from traditional, fossil fuel-based energy sources to renewable and clean energy sources. This transition has significant impacts on society and, at eNeuron, we are contributing towards this effort working towards the optimal design and operation of local energy communities and testing microgrid solutions.

The project is now in its phase of testing and finalization of the solution.
Once this is done, we will be implementing the actual demonstration phase and working on business models and routes to market for the exploitable results.

Last March eNeuron launched the first of a series of webinar and many Stakeholders, gathered to present and discuss the project’s plans to optimize business models, planning and optimization of infrastructures to facilitate the path towards a decarbonized society.

Cooperation has continued with BRIDGE, the European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues in the demonstration projects. eNeuron collaborates in different Working Groups within the initiative.
At present, we are currently chairing the Working Group in Business Models and eNeuron members are co-author of the Handbook on “Exploration of citizen R&I projects engagement methodologies in European R&I projects”.

eNeuron has been presented and disseminated at many events during the past month, and more will come in the coming week.

We will be soon launching our next webinar so stay tuned as we tackle new challenges within the project.

You can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Best wishes,

The eNeuron Team

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