Panorama of Europe’s Local Energy Systems Now Complete

Our R&I partners have now completed an overview of the Pan-European decarbonisation targets and the resulting policy acts, trends and roadmaps that will set the way forward for optimal use of local energy systems in the coming years.

As part of this overview, the team studied three key areas:

– European policy and regulatory framework

– Technological solutions and their interplay with energy conversion systems

– Main gaps and shortcomings for the optimal use of local resources

The work, broken down into three reports, is crucial to helping us contextualise the design and rollout of eNeuron’s four pilots, drawing on the “energy hub” and “microenergy hub” concept.

The reports highlight the complexity of the local energy system landscape, pointing to issues such as technologies at different readiness levels, shaky and lagging legislation which scares off investors and a lack of clear, internationally accepted definitions.

It is against this challenging background that we’re working to show how local energy systems can be better designed and operated for the future.

Interested in learning more? Read the reports:

Local multi-vector energy systems within the European political and regulatory landscape: scope and key priorities for the study – view here

Technical solutions for multi carrier integrated systems under the LEC concept: A review. – View here

Limitations and shortcomings for optimal use of local resources – View here

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